
Budget Notice

Notice is hereby given that the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2025 for the Township of Tilden, Berks County, PA has been prepared and is available for inspection by contacting the treasurer. The final budget will be adopted at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Supervisors on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 7 p.m. in the Township Municipal Building, 874 Hex Highway, Hamburg PA. Any person wishing to attend and participate in the above meeting, who may require an accommodation, is requested to contact the Tilden Township Secretary at 610-562-7410.

The office will be closing at 1pm Monday September 23, 2024. We apologize for any inconvenience this my cause. Thank you.


Every day is a good day to thank an emergency medical provider! However, this week is dedicated those that are committed to serving our communities! These men and women have seen it all and continue to show up for us on our worst days! Thank you Hamburg Emergency Medical Services, Inc.! We appreciate you all!