The Township of Tilden has five members that serve on the Zoning Hearing Board. The ZHB is a quasi-judicial body, and are appointed for five year terms by the Board of Supervisors. The Zoning Hearing Board is responsible for:
- Substantive challenges to the validity of any land use ordinance
- Procedural challenges to a land use ordinance
- Appeals from the Zoning Officer with permits, issuance of a cease and desist order or registration of a non-conforming use
- Appeals of determination of a flood plain
- Appeals regarding transfer of development rights
- Applications for variances and special exceptions
The Zoning Hearing Board meets as needed. A staff member is available to answer any questions regarding a Zoning Variance Application during normal business hours, call 610-562-7410.
Members of the Zoning Hearing Board
Karl Halye, Chair 12/31/2026
Michelle Minick-Merring, Vice-Chair 12/31/2029
Robert Hein, Secretary 12/31/2028
Craig Moseman 12/31/2025
Jody Klinger 12/31/2027