As of 03/30/2020, here are the US census response rates thus far.
Tilden Township 43.90%
Berks County 40.90%
Pennsylvania 37.50%
National 36.20%
Below is a message from Isabel Monterrosa, Publicity & Volunteer Coordinator, Berks Complete Count Committee
Greetings All,
Due to COVID-19, Census 2020 operations are suspended until April 15, 2020 moving the final self-response day to August 14, 2020. The shelter in place response has severely limited any previously planned outreach activities and the message ought to be to encourage the community to respond online or by telephone.
The message we’re pushing is that it’s never been easier to respond — online, by phone, or by mail.
The online response portal went live on March 12, 2020.
Households should use the 12-digit code they received to complete the 2020 Census online or by phone. If they do not have a code, no worries — they can still complete the census online or by phone without it. All households that have not responded online or by phone by the end of April will receive a paper questionnaire.
Online: www.my2020census.gov
By phone (English): 844-330-2020
By phone (Spanish): 844-468-2020
TDD: 844-467-2020
For additional language assistance, you can visit www.2020census.gov/languages.
US Census Video: