Message from Berks County Election Services:
We are trying to get the word out to the voters that the Primary has been moved to June 2, 2020. If you would be able to place on your websites and also in your newsletters(if it didn’t go out yet) that the Primary Election has been moved to June 2, 2020.
Also,if a voter does not want to go to their respective polling location on the day of the primary they can request a mail-in ballot by going to or completing a paper application by calling the Election Services Office at 610-478-6490.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Stay safe
Deborah Olivieri
Director, Election Services
Berks County Services Center
633 Court Street, 1st Floor
Reading, PA 19601
610.478.6490 Ext. 5577
Fax: 610.478.6218