Environmental Advisory Council

Earth Day 2013

To all of the 49 volunteers that helped to clean up Tilden Township

We Thank You!!!

Our clean-up crews collected 119 bags of trash and enough debris to fill a 10 yard roll-off trash container!!!  A number of tires were also collected from along the roadways.  The volunteers were able to cover the Kernsville Dam Area, parts of Hex Highway and Mountain Road.  Clean up was completed on the following roads:  Academy, Fisher Dam, Holly, Industrial, Laurel, Lowland (West of Rt. 61), Mountain View, Pine, Stone and Windy.  Well done everyone!

We’d like to extend a special Thank You to the Blue Mountatin Wildlife organization for their involvement and also the Tilden Township Police Department for their assistance with traffic and safety!!

April 20, 2013

The clean-up in progress…

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 The end result!
